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Radon Testing Steps to Safeguard Your Family Against Invisible Threats

Posted in Radon Testing, on June 21, 2024

Professional radon testing is the only way to know if this harmful gas is present in your home. Flying under the radar of most homeowners' attention, radon gas carries significant long-term health risks for your whole family. At SafeAir, we offer radon testing alongside or separate from our regular home air quality testing. In this article, we’ll share more about what radon is, why testing is critical and how we test for it.

Radon Testing Toronto HomeUnderstanding Radon

Radon gas is not a fad or new environmental pollutant — it’s as old as the planet itself. Radon is a radioactive gas produced when uranium breaks down in soil and rock. For centuries, radon was harmlessly released into the air, where the dilution posed no risk; however, modern basements and building practices changed this, and radon gas began collecting in our homes. 

When exposed to concentrated radon gas, the body’s tissues can go through changes that increase your risk of cancer — radon gas is known to be the number 1 cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. 

Radon gas has no taste or smell, is invisible, and leaves no marks — without home air quality testing, you won’t know you’ve been exposed until it’s too late. 

Importance of Testing

Radon gas often builds up in basements or ground-level floors because of the negative pressure created by sealed buildings. Your home may inadvertently be acting like a siphon, attracting and sucking up local radon as it comes through the soil. 

Radon levels fluctuate widely. There is no demographic or era of home that is more or less at risk, though the location does have some effect, with certain municipalities or areas of the province holding a greater risk. This is why testing for radon is critical; your neighbour’s risk may be minimal while yours is high — or vice versa. At SafeAir, we offer radon testing for all ages and types of homes to help you assess your risk level and make the necessary changes to safeguard your health. 

Types of Radon Tests

Municipalities eager to safeguard their residents have boosted radon testing, making kits and devices easier to find. Testing is simple: a small device is installed in your home and left to passively test your air. In general, there are two types of tests: short- and long-term. At SafeAir, we only recommend long-term testing. Because radon levels can fluctuate with weather and seasons, a longer-term test helps to even out fluctuations and false positives. 

Conducting Radon Tests

The second thing we recommend is working with a professional for your radon test. Placement of the radon testing device is a critical component of achieving accurate results — too much airflow and the test can be ruined, while too little may grossly inflate your results. The SafeAir team has had professional training and education that lets us assess your home to determine where to best place your device. 

Interpreting Test Results

After your testing period has concluded, SafeAir sends all tests to a third-party lab for assessment. We then share and interpret the report with you so that you understand the findings and what next steps you may need to take. 

Radon Mitigation Options

If your radon levels test above the Canadian guideline of 200 Bq/m3, you’ll need to put in radon mitigation strategies to reduce your risk of cancer. Depending on the severity, our team has several methods that may suit your home. Some methods, like increasing ventilation or fixing foundation cracks, are quick to implement. Others, such as installing a radon mitigation fan, may be required when test results show critically harmful amounts of radon gas.

SafeAir Can Help Against the Invisible Threat of Radon

Problems that look or smell unsightly usually get attention quickly — because radon is invisible, putting it off for next year or another time is tempting. However, addressing radon gas today has long-term benefits for the whole family, especially if you have a rec room or basement apartment where people spend a lot of time. Radon testing is also helpful if you plan on selling your home because it increases the safety profile of your property. Booking radon testing with SafeAir is easy — call or email our team today to set up indoor air quality testing today. 


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