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Why Test Air Quality After Mold Removal

Posted in Air Quality, on March 04, 2025

If you’ve recently had a mold problem at home, SafeAir recommends having follow-up indoor air quality testing. Inactive mold spores can linger in a home’s indoor air environment and be accidentally carried to other floors or rooms of the house; too small to see with the naked eye, professional mold inspection in Toronto can sense these spores and alert you to areas that may need mold prevention or more in-depth investigation. Your home’s indoor air quality is essential to safe and healthy living; don’t let mold negatively affect it. 

What Happens to Air Quality During Mold Growth?

indoor air quality testingWhen a building is affected by mold growth, two things happen. First, the mold grows into whatever it’s on: wood, textiles, drywall, or flooring, to name a few. This growth causes damage and, in the case of long-term infestations, may require serious renovation to solve. 

Secondly, once a mold colony is established, it starts to grow. To do this, it creates spores: tiny lightweight “seeds” that can be picked up by hands, tools, pets, or air currents. The spores then travel to new areas. Once activated by water, a new colony can begin growing, further damaging your air quality and increasing the size and scope of the damage. 

Reasons to Test Indoor Air Quality After Mold Removal

Many homeowners remove mold and never think of it again. But at SafeAir, we’ve seen the benefits that follow-up air quality testing can have. Here are some of our top reasons to test after mold removal:

  • Confirm That Spore Levels are Safe: Spores can be disturbed and released during remediation, so ensuring the levels have gone down can indicate to us that your house is back to normal and the mold isn’t spreading. 
  • Detect Hidden Mold Problems: It’s easy to tell if you have a mold problem when it grows out in the open — but what if it’s hidden behind a wall? Mold testing can ensure that your remediation team finds and removes all mold and alerts you to hidden infestations. 
  • Protect Your Family’s Health: An active mold colony can create thousands of spores that can cause severe allergic reactions. If your symptoms persist after mold removal, air quality testing can help you understand your environment and what may be triggering this response. 
  • Preventing Future Mold Growth: A comprehensive mould inspection with SafeAir doesn’t just look for mold — we also look for the risk factors associated with mold growth, like high humidity or poor ventilation, which can be hard to diagnose using the senses. 

What Does Indoor Air Quality Testing Involve?

Indoor air quality testing is a straightforward and non-invasive procedure that won’t disrupt your family life or routine. At SafeAir, we test following industry-standard protocols set out by professional organizations that look at the science and practice of air quality testing — this takes the guesswork out of the results and provides consistent, trustworthy, science-based answers. Some of the tests we do may include:

  • Air Sampling: We take a sample of air that can be measured for mold spore concentration. This is an especially useful test to do before and after mold removal — the results are often dramatic!
  • Surface Testing: We may swab walls, floors, carpets, or ventilation systems to test for invisible or emergent mold infestations. 
  • Humidity and Moisture Assessment: Moisture in any form is a red flag for mold growth, so we take careful measurements that alert us to areas that may be at risk. 

How to Maintain Good Indoor Air Quality After Mold Removal

After remediation, the SafeAir team would like to recommend several things. First, we almost always suggest our clients improve ventilation. Not only is better airflow good for air quality in general, but it also ensures that mold doesn’t have a chance to take root. Good ventilation also helps to dry up water and prevents humidity. 

We also suggest homeowners regularly inspect high-risk areas like the basement, bathrooms, attic, or HVAC system for signs of moisture. You don’t have to be a mold specialist to notice changes — even a quick photograph once every few months may help alert you to slow-moving changes. 

And lastly, the best thing you can do for your overall indoor air quality is to change your furnace filters regularly. It’s a low-cost way to filter out spores, dirt, dust, and other air quality pollutants, and requires no special skills or training. 

Mold inspection in Toronto can help you with unanswered questions about your home’s air environment and safeguard your family against the dangers of unchecked mold growth. To book an air quality test or mold inspection, contact SafeAir today. 


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