Posted in Air Quality, on November 09, 2023
If you are concerned about off-gassing in your home, there are several things you can do to mitigate your risk, Read on to learn more about off-gassing from SafeAir’s air quality specialists.
Read MorePosted in Radon Testing, on October 26, 2023
In an average month, your home may not test positive for elevated levels of radon gas due to several shifting factors — but that may not eliminate your risk.
Read MorePosted in Air Quality, on October 17, 2023
Unless you’ve had air quality testing in Toronto or notice a strange smell, you might think everything is A-OK at home. But at SafeAir, we find that home air quality is a lot more complicated than what your nose detects.
Read MorePosted in Radon Testing, on October 06, 2023
Air quality issues often leave signs or visible marks: mold growth can make dark splotches or furry patches, air pollution can leave marks or smudges, and allergens cause coughing or sneezing. But radon causes no visible, audible, or experiential effects — at least, not for many years. An air quality inspection in Toronto can help you determine if radon gas affects your family and is especially valuable as the season shifts and we spend more time indoors.
Read MorePosted in Radon Testing, on September 26, 2023
Radon particles and contaminants are only four of many that affect indoor living environments and cause short and long-term allergic and health effects. While some may cause flu-like symptoms, others, like radon gas, are carcinogenic and need professional attention.
Read MorePosted in Air Quality, on September 20, 2023
Many health and safety committees, managers, and CEOs are learning about the unknown dangers lurking at work that reduce efficiency, increase absenteeism, and cause long-term illness. Whether you’d like a specific service like radon testing or a generalized environmental assessment, SafeAir can help you at home or work!
Read MorePosted in Air Quality, on September 14, 2023
During the summer, air quality is easily improved by opening a window. But what happens to air quality when winter arrives? Poor air quality can be subtle and difficult to detect with your senses, leading to health trouble, uncomfortable living spaces, and poorly functioning appliances.
Read MorePosted in Air Quality, on August 25, 2023
A healthy home and body begins with the air we breathe, which is why SafeAir has been helping families across the GTA improve their indoor air quality with services like radon detection and mold detection for over a decade.
Read MorePosted in Radon Testing, on August 21, 2023
Homeowners keen to improve their indoor environment with air quality testing in Toronto may have heard about adding radon testing to the list, but may be hesitating about the added cost or urgency.
Read MorePosted in Air Quality, on August 11, 2023
Breathing is so fundamental to human life that we don’t notice its presence until there’s a disruption. This summer, clients of SafeAir across Southern Ontario saw a reduction in air quality from wildfire smoke and other pollutants, triggering a wave of requests for air quality inspection in Toronto.
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